Medical laundry

Our Company's main profile is the laundry and washing services for medical and social institutes. To satisfy of all demands of medical institutes always has been a great challenge for us. Beside of the challenge it always has been great responsibility as well, since the textiles to be handled are highly contaminated on several ways.

These contaminations are even dangerous in several forms as well. With our hygienic washing technology we are able to meet all expectations and to comply with every provisions of relevant laws.

Our closed-circuit logistic system is one of the market leading systems which is capable
to satisfy every demands.
Hófehér Textilservice Kft.
Adress: 2000 Szentendre, Pannónia u 1-3.
Telephone: 06 30 912 8509 Mail: info@hofeher-tex.hu
Registered: Cg. 03-09-112036 Tax-number: 13379845-2-03